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President of El Salvador shows a project of a city dedicated to bitcoin. Photo gallery

7:22 pm, May 10, 2022

For the second day in a row, Naiyib Bukele continues to be the main newsmaker of the cryptocurrency world. This time, he showed the government’s plans for the future of the crypto city, which was first announced at the end of last year.

Bitcoin city will be built in the shape of a huge hexagon, with parks and the necessary infrastructure around it. The demonstration model was painted in gold, but this does not mean that the authorities are planning to implement this particular solution.

On the contrary, the city plans to plant a large number of trees, so the bitcoin city can be called truly green.

The President of El Salvador, in particular, praised the city’s airport project:

3D renderings of embankments and recreational areas:

Central observation deck:

And evening illumination:

Commenters on Twitter, however, were not fooled by the beautiful pictures. The most popular was a user who posted a local slum with the caption «M, cute, meanwhile in El Salvador:»

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