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Dogecoin founder names conditions for complete cryptocurrency collapse

5:21 pm, November 20, 2022

Billy Mapkus, the developer of the Dogecoin (DOGE) meme cryptocurrency known as Shibetoshi Hakamoto, believes that the collapse of Binance or Tether will mean the final fall for the entire cryptocurrency market.

«For anyone who is worried about Binance and/or Tether going bankrupt, I want to warn you that if it happens, it’s game over. It’s good that more people are finally starting to understand how and what is really going on, especially the weakness of centralized exchanges,» Біллі Маркус" href="" data-bio-id="3704">Marcus wrote in his tweet.

For some reason, Billy deleted his message, but former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey managed to agree with him and wrote that the fall of Binance or Tether would be the beginning of the end.

«Shibetoshi Hakamoto is confident that cryptocurrencies will not disappear if the leading exchange and the issuer of the largest stablecoin falls. However, this event will cause a «giant mega-dump,» and the price will break through numerous support levels.

To reduce financial risks, Binance CEO Чанпен Чжао" href="" data-bio-id="3681">Changpeng Zhao recently announced the creation of a stabilization fund. To receive financial support, companies with liquidity problems will be required to apply to the Binance Labs incubator.

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