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Users of Ledger cryptocurrency wallet receive emails from hackers

1:07 pm, October 16, 2024

Users of the hardware wallet Ledger have started receiving phishing emails in which fraudsters try to convince them to activate the so-called Ledger Clear Signing security feature by October 31.

The fraudulent email states that starting November 1, the Clear Signing feature will become mandatory for Ledger users. If they do not activate it by the specified date, they will not be able to continue using their device.

The email states that this feature is necessary to protect assets from phishing attacks, which are becoming more sophisticated. The fraudsters claim that before confirming any transaction, Clear Signing will allow you to view and verify all the data directly on the Ledger device.

When transferring crypto assets, interacting with smart contracts, or using decentralized applications, Clear Signing will help you to verify the recipient’s address, transfer amount, and fees. Without this feature, there is a high risk of signing transactions blindly, the authors of the letter warn.

To activate the fake security feature, fraudsters provided email recipients with a malicious link that redirects to a URL that is not related to Ledger. Therefore, users should not click on suspicious links in order not to leak personal data to scammers and lose their crypto assets.

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