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Google has identified the country most interested in cryptocurrency

6:35 pm, August 11, 2022

Nigeria tops the ranking of the global search for information on the Internet about cryptocurrencies. CoinGecko has published a study based on activity on Google Trends. Out of the 15 countries studied, Nigeria was ranked first in terms of cryptocurrency information searches on Google.

Statistics show that the Nigerian population searched for «cryptocurrency», «invest in cryptocurrency», and «buy cryptocurrency» the most. This is despite the fact that the search intensity for the word «cryptocurrency investment» has decreased worldwide, especially after the April crypto market crash.

Due to the low level of financial services in the country, Nigerians are looking towards cryptocurrencies with great interest. As of April 2022, 35% of Nigerians are investors in the crypto market, according to the KuCoin report:

«The survey found that women account for 50% of crypto investors on par with men. The breakdown of reasons for investing shows that 53% of investors consider cryptocurrencies to be a safe way to store funds, 50% invest to earn more profit in the long run, 40% are trying to start their own business and improve their living conditions, 36% are investing in an additional source of income to their salary, 34% are seeking financial independence, and 26% hope to rely on cryptocurrencies as their main source of income without having to work extra hard.»

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