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Ukrainian programmer who developed OnlyFans service earns as much as Pornhub

9:30 am, September 3, 2022

Leonid Radvinsky, a Ukrainian developer from Odesa who created the OnlyFans platform, where content creators publish exclusive photos and videos and users can view them by purchasing a subscription, earns on par with Pornhub.

As it became known, the founder of OnlyFans earned almost half a billion dollars in two years: in 2021, Radvinsky received $ 284 million, and this year he earned another $ 233 million. Thus, the developer with Ukrainian roots has become one of the highest paid owners of Internet companies registered in the UK.

OnlyFans started growing in popularity during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Back then, the company’s revenues grew from $ 61 million to $ 433 million in a year. As a result, the service earned more money than MindGeek (the company that runs Pornhub and YouPorn).

At the end of May, it became known that the founder and former CEO of OnlyFans Tim Stockley and RJ Phillips are planning to launch an NFT platform selling collectible cards with celebrity photos. It is planned that the owners of NFT collections will be offered free tickets to events, as well as a variety of branded accessories.

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