Joseph Lubin

6:18 pm, June 28, 2022

Joseph Lubin is a Canadian-American entrepreneur. He is the co-founder of the decentralized cryptocurrency platform Ethereum and the Swiss company EthSuisse, and the founder and CEO of ConsenSys, a Brooklyn-based software development studio. In February 2018, Forbes estimated Joseph Lubin’s cryptocurrency net worth at between one and five billion dollars.

Joseph Lubin was born in 1964 in Toronto, Canada, to a dentist and a realtor.

In the 1980s, he entered Princeton University to study electronics and computer science and successfully graduated. After receiving his degree in electrical engineering and computer science, Lubin worked as a researcher at the Princeton Robotics Laboratory and then at Vision Applications, Inc. a private company in the field of autonomous mobile robotics, machine vision, and artificial neural networks.

Princeton University, where Lubin studied

His next project was to create an autonomous musical composition instrument with tomandandy music. Joseph worked as a software engineer and consultant on various projects, and eventually became a director of the New York office of Blacksmith, a Virginia-based consulting firm. He worked there from 2001 to 2003.

Joseph’s hard work ethic allowed him to make a massive leap up the career ladder. He soon became Vice President of Private Wealth Management Technology at Goldman Sachs Group, as well as owner-manager of a highly successful hedge fund. In addition, he was engaged in consulting for the Identrus project.

But his passion for music never left him. Joseph moved to Kingston, Jamaica, to work on many projects in the music industry. Two years later, Joseph became one of the founders of the Ethereum project.


Joseph Lubin first learned about the bitcoin cryptocurrency when he read a publication by Satoshi Nakamoto. He was interested in the technologies underlying the new digital currency, which is based on cryptography. Having started researching this topic, Joseph met his future partner Vitalik Buterin. At that time, the young genius had already described the concept of a blockchain platform that was more universal in use.

Buterin and Lubin met in their hometown of Toronto. After discussing the terms of cooperation, they and several other developers started working on the Ethereum project in 2014. Lubin was focused on developing the platform’s main engine, while Buterin was engaged in the development of smart contracts.

Lubin at a meeting with the Ethereum team

It is rumored that during the period when the Ethereum project was attracting investments through crowdfunding, Joseph Lubin was the person who invested millions of dollars in it. After the launch of the Ethereum blockchain project in 2015, Lubin called his brainchild more versatile than bitcoin, as Ethereum is a decentralized platform for running dApps, not just a system for sending payments.

For a long time, Joseph was the head of the Swiss Ethereum division called EthSuisse.


In 2014, even before the Ethereum blockchain was launched, Joseph Lubin founded ConsenSys, a company focused on creating dApps (decentralized applications) based on Ethereum. ConsenSys is headquartered in New York. Currently, the company employs about 1000 people working on 50 projects.

Joseph Lubin with Vitalik Buterin at ETHLondonUK in 2020

The most famous projects from ConsenSys are:

  • Gnosis;
  • Grid+;
  • Civil;
  • OpenLaw;
  • AirSwap, etc.

All of these projects improve the approach to work in traditional areas of office work, including law, energy, logistics, journalism, and other fields.


Lubin is considered the second richest person in the cryptocurrency industry after Chris Larsen, one of the founders of Ripple Labs. According to unofficial data, Joseph’s fortune can reach $ 5 billion and is constantly changing due to regular investments in blockchain startups.

Some analysts claim that Joseph Lubin is the single largest owner of Ethereum worth up to $ 10 billion. In his turn, Lubin claims that he has never had large ETH reserves, and the assets at his disposal are used to support and develop ConsenSys.

Joseph Lubin has a very popular Twitter account with 112,000 followers. On his page, he posts ConsenSys news and events of projects in which the company has invested.
Lubin is also a member of the board of Hyperledger, a blockchain consortium launched and led by the Linux Foundation.

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