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Bitcoin halving took place for the fourth time in the history of cryptocurrencies

12:43 pm, April 20, 2024

On April 20, the fourth halving of the block reward in the history of the first cryptocurrency took place on the Bitcoin network.

The event occurred on block 840,000. The miner who mined the next block, 840,001, will receive 3,125 bitcoins as a reward, rather than 6.25, as in the past four years. The daily emission will have to be about 450 BTC versus 900, and the annual emission, thanks to halving, should fall to about 0.85% of the total of 21 million coins.

Currently, approximately 93.7% of BTC has been mined. According to the idea of Bitcoin developer Satoshi Nakamoto, halving should lead to a growing shortage of the first cryptocurrency and, according to the law of the market, an increase in value. And that’s exactly what’s happening: in the second cycle, bitcoin rose 54 times compared to the first, 13 times in the third, and eight times in the fourth.

The day before, analysts at JPMorgan Investment Banking Holding announced that, contrary to optimists' expectations, bitcoin would fall in price immediately after the halving.

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