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A scandal erupts in the US due to the launch of NFT tokens that allow you to avoid queuing

1:19 pm, September 1, 2022

The New York restaurant Dame has issued NFTs worth $ 1000 that allow their owners to avoid queuing for dinner, an innovation that has caused outrage among Twitter users.

As it became known, on its official website, Dame representatives offered all customers who do not want to stand in line to enter the restaurant to purchase non-fungible tokens for $ 1000. The purchase of NFTs gives access to the restaurant’s hospitality club, which promises guests the opportunity to book the best tables and avoid queues. 564 331 144 153 374 720?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1 564 331 144 153 374 720|twgr^71cdf47e9ec403f001791278557df20a1e694391|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url= 634/are-restaurant-vip-nfts-doa-twitter-thinks-so

Twitter users were outraged by Dame’s idea: «Reservationism in New York City restaurants has gone too far,» wrote American writer Maya Kosoff. «It's amazing to see how restaurants don’t know how to use modern technology properly, they haven’t even figured out the QR menu,» one Twitter user said.

At the time of writing, the restaurant’s owners have not responded to the community’s outrage and have not commented on their idea with NFT. However, Dame’s representatives are not the only ones who, according to users, use non-fungible tokens incorrectly. In early August, Hollywood released the scandalous erotic thriller 18&Over with celebrities including Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson, and to watch the movie, you had to buy an NFT ticket worth $ 263. It is worth noting that this is many times more expensive than going to the cinema or an annual subscription to one of the streaming platforms, so the question of the popularity of such tickets remains open.

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