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Chinese scientists successfully test the world’s first vacuum engine for a rocket to fly to the moon

5:17 pm, July 24, 2024

For the first time, China has tested a liquid vacuum rocket engine for the manned stage of a future launch vehicle used in the lunar space program. The engine operated for a thousand seconds, proving its reliability and controllability, bringing China closer to sending people to the moon.

The tests took place at the new high-altitude rocket engine test facility, which was commissioned in May 2024. This is the largest test facility in Asia that allows testing rocket engines at various altitudes, including vacuum conditions with a pressure not exceeding 1 kPa. The tested vacuum engine for the future rocket that will fly to the Moon was the first object to be tested in this complex.

The engine operated on an oxygen/hydrogen pair, and its performance characteristics satisfied the designers. Also in May of this year, four YF-100K liquid rocket engines (kerosene/oxygen fuel) were tested. These engines will operate in the atmosphere as part of the first stage of the future Chang Zheng-10 rocket, which can launch up to 70 tons of payload into Earth orbit and up to 27 tons into the Moon’s orbit.

The first test flight of the Chang Zheng-10 rocket is expected in 2027. Successful tests of engines for all stages give Chinese scientists hope that this schedule will be met.

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