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Cryptokit moved 687 BTC after 10 years of inactivity

2:09 pm, May 7, 2024

On Monday, May 6, an anonymous cryptocurrency moved 687.33 BTC ($ 43.94 million at the time of the transaction) after 10 years and three months of hibernation. This was reported by Lookonchain analysts.

The digital assets were transferred to two new addresses and divided into two parts — 625.43 BTC and 61.9 BTC, respectively. When these coins were received on January 12, 2014, their value was $ 630,000.

According to an April report by Chainalysis and Fortune, 1.75 million bitcoin wallets have been inactive for more than 10 years. They hold 1,798,681 BTC (approximately $ 121 billion at the time of the report’s release), which is 8.5% of the total issue.

It is noteworthy that this calculation does not include about 30,000 addresses associated with the creator of the first cryptocurrency, Сатоші Накамото" href="" data-bio-id="4232">Satoshi Nakamoto.

As a reminder, in January, cryptocurrency exchanges made record-breaking transactions with bitcoin worth almost $ 2 billion in just 5 minutes. One after another, transfers were made for 10,486 BTC ($ 450.33 million), 9,445 BTC ($ 405.63 million), 11,115 BTC ($ 477.58 million), and 8,859 BTC ($ 380.65 million). Numerous traders have suggested that all the transactions were made by one owner who keeps his digital assets at several addresses.

According to users of the X platform, it could be an institutional investor or some large entrepreneur. Some have suggested that the head of MicroStrategy, Сейлор" href="" data-bio-id="3672″ data-wpel-link="internal">Michael Saylor, may be involved.

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