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Opinion: regulatory policy of states as evidence of a bright future for cryptocurrencies

7:53 am, March 29, 2022

There are skeptics who say, «Just wait until a nuclear war breaks out, and then your cryptocurrencies will be finished.» I’m sorry, but then paper money and fiat in general will have a hard time, and the best asset will be canned food and ammunition.

If we don’t think in terms of possible cyberpunk, then the regulatory policy is a good reflection of the fact that cryptocurrencies are already part of our lives and will not go away, but will occupy more and more new territories every day. Let’s just take a look at the latest news:

? OpenSea has entered into a partnership with CoinTracker to simplify taxation for ownership and income from NFTs. OpenSea users can now work directly with CoinTracker to prepare tax reports for NFTs.

❌ Next Thursday, the EU will vote on blocking anonymous crypto payments. Coinbase urges you to vote against it. If the innovation is adopted, crypto service providers will be obliged to identify cryptocurrency recipients.

eyes fear, but hands do. Coinbase has started sending notifications to its customers from Japan, Canada, and Singapore that starting April 1, when conducting crypto transactions outside the exchange, it will be necessary to provide information about the recipient. In some cases, users will need to provide the recipient’s name, country, address, or cryptocurrency wallet type. Maybe they already know the results of the March 31st vote 🙂 By the way, we warned that the Americans are serious about crypto.

? Printing fresh American presidents will help the crypto market. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell has thought about the need for legislative changes in the regulation of cryptocurrencies. But the head of the US Treasury Department, Janet Yellen, who has been speaking out exclusively negatively about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for quite some time, has felt warmth and love. Probably, in addition to spring outside the window, this is due to Biden’s new decree on the need for crypto regulation(hello, Nilov!). «The document will eliminate the risks associated with illicit financing, protect consumers and investors, and prevent threats to the financial system and the economy as a whole,» Yellen said. All of this is happening against the backdrop of the Fed’s plans to print even more dollars and, as a result, rising inflation, from which those who have money will escape by investing in gold and crypto.

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