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Fake Satoshi Nakamoto claims to have destroyed the world’s first cryptocurrency wallet

11:12 am, September 15, 2022

The self-proclaimed father of the flagship cryptocurrency, Craig Wright, has revealed another secret that allegedly proves that he created bitcoin — Wright told the court that he destroyed the disk with the keys to Satoshi Nakamoto's wallet, the world’s first cryptocurrency wallet, himself.

During the court hearings in the case of Craig Wright against blogger Hodlonaut, during which the self-proclaimed Satoshi is trying to prove his involvement in the WTS, Wright «confessed» that he had trampled on the hard drive with the keys to Satoshi’s wallet. «If I hadn’t done that, people would have forced me to do things I didn’t want to do,» Craig Wright cryptically explained his alleged actions.

In this way, Craig tried to convince the court that the destruction of the keys to the cryptocurrency wallet was the only way for the self-proclaimed father of bitcoin to avoid forced cryptographic verification of his identity. It is worth noting that Wright has repeatedly stated that he is the creator of the flagship cryptocurrency, but almost no one believes this except Craig Wright.

We would like to remind you that Craig Wright was recently accused of plagiarizing a scientific dissertation. He also won a lawsuit against a blogger who was conducting defamatory activities against an Australian scientist. And in early May, Craig Wright Coinbase-ta-kraken-u-torgivli-falshyvym-bitkoyinom/" data-wpel-link="internal">filed a lawsuit against cryptocurrency exchanges Coinbase and Kraken for trading «fake bitcoin.» Wright’s representatives stated that these and other exchanges encourage traders to trade bitcoin by pretending it is another digital asset. According to the lawyers, the cryptocurrency known as BTC is actually just the «bitcoin core» and the only cryptocurrency that has fully implemented the bitcoin protocol should be BSV (Bitcoin Satoshi Vision).

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