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«Greenpeace and Ripple co-founder Chris Larsen advocate for Bitcoin’s transition to PoS

6:38 pm, March 29, 2022

Several activist groups (including Greenpeace and Ripple co-founder Chris Larsen) have launched a campaign called Change the Code, Not the Climate. Its goal is to put pressure on the members of the #1 cryptocurrency community to change the consensus algorithm from Proof-of-Work (PoW) to Proof-of-Stake (PoS). By the way, talks about the dangers of PoW have been going on for several days now — its impact on the environment is one of the reasons for the transition to PoS at the end of this year.

The activists plan to support their campaign in the media throughout April. «Now that Ethereum is switching to PoS, Bitcoin is becoming the black sheep. New protocols like Solana and Cardano consume little electricity. If I wasn’t worried about bitcoin, I would let it continue on its current path,» Larsen said.

The authors of the eco-campaign believe that it is enough to influence only 50 key people, including top miners, crypto exchanges, and major developers, to change the Bitcoin code. But the miners have clear incentives not to support the initiative — they have invested huge resources in mining equipment.

«In my opinion, the probability of Bitcoin switching to PoS is 0%. The crypto community has no desire to break the security of the protocol,» said CoinShares analyst Chris Bendixen.

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