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Hackers from Russia hacked Ukrainian government websites and promised to release classified information

1:41 pm, February 23, 2023

On the night of February 22−23, unknown hackers attacked a number of Ukrainian government resources. As a result of the hack, the websites of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Social Policy, the State Service of Maritime and River Transport, the State Treasury, Motor Sich JSC, and others were down. According to Focus, the cybercriminals promise to publish official documents of government agencies and developments of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex.

«Another Ukrainian leak. I was, am and will be,» was the message left by the hackers on the hacked websites.

The announcement of the cyberattack appeared the day before on a Telegram channel with a suspiciously small number of Free Civilian subscribers. At the time of writing, the channel has only 76 followers. Ukrainian services are confident that the cybercriminals are related to a terrorist state, as their posts insultingly refer to Ukraine as «nezalezhna». This is the connotation often used by Russian propagandists when broadcasting the occupiers' narratives to a wide audience.

The hackers warn of further cyberattacks on the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, the Ministry of Education, the Department of Information and Communication Technologies of the Kyiv City Council, and the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate. The attackers also announced the publication of the KCSA’s document flow, developments of the defense industry of Ukraine, and source codes of state resources.

«For amateurs: technical documents, passwords, network configurations of the public sector of Ukraine and much more. If you are interested in buying the full leaks, please contact us in private,» said the administrator of the Free Civilian telegram channel.

Hackers also leaked documents of Motor Sich. The cybercriminals claim that the company has recently opened a representative office in Turkey and produces engines for Turkish Bayraktar UAVs. «Apparently, Bayraktars will now strike around the world, and especially in Russia, with renewed vigor. I continue to monitor the activities of this company and from time to time I send their developments to the hands of interested communities,» the group informed.

Ukrainian officials have not yet commented on the situation.

As a reminder, on February 13, it became known about a hacker attack on several Internet resources belonging to NATO. The attack was carried out by the occupying country’s hacker group Killnet. The same hackers attacked medical facilities in the UK and blackmailed the government.

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