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In the future, bitcoin can be mined on your phone

11:38 am, December 24, 2023

A futuristic article by HackerNoon suggests that bitcoin mining could shrink to the size of atomic particles, making our great-grandchildren potential owners of mining farms that could fit into smartphones.

The concept, which has its roots in the quantum world, explores the possibility of creating the smallest bitcoin miner in history.

According to the author of the article, scientists are already exploring the potential synergy between bitcoin and quantum computing, planning a future in which mining processes will become so minuscule that even the Landauer limit will cease to exist. This is a physical law and principle formulated by IBM employee Rolf Landauer in 1961, which states that in any computing system, regardless of its physical implementation, the loss of 1 bit of information generates heat in the amount of at least W joules.

Are we talking about the near future? Hardly, but the article hints at a future world in which bitcoin miners will become truly «atomic», «pushing the boundaries of the possible» in the cryptocurrency world.

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