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The head of NFT studio told how to make the collection popular

12:57 pm, May 31, 2022

The head of NFT promotion at Falconvisuals, Juan Carlos Lara, gave an interview to the CryptoSanya telegram channel. We have translated the interview and are happy to share it with you.

Tell us something about yourself, where are you from? How did you get into the NFT content promotion industry? Perhaps you graduated from a university with a similar specialization or some courses?

My name is Juan Carlos Lara, I’m from Mexico City. I used to be a video editor, and 2 years ago I started studying 3D content creation using online resources. You could say that I am a self-taught artist working with 3D environments. Then I created a studio to promote NFT collections.

How do you create excitement and encourage people to stay loyal to the project by releasing content for the community?

I like to showcase the features of the project and I believe that video is a good way to keep people in the community and encourage them to talk about the project more. A deep study of the project allows you to prepare a good video for a successful minting.

NFT in 2021 and NFT now: how different are they? How is the industry developing?

The popularity of NFTs began in 2020, when digital paintings were sold for millions. NFTs in 2021 took the old concept of selling art and developed it. For example, staking, DAO, and so on, we are now seeing large projects like Bored Apes transform into powerful brands, entire ecosystems, and they are developing by leaps and bounds. We focus on creating content for small collections that don’t have a recognizable brand and just need a hype to sell out. Later on, these small teams with a couple of successful collections can focus on expanding the community and implementing the roadmap.

Are there any chances to successfully release an NFT collection without promotion in 2022? What should an NFT artist remember before launching a collection?

As with any other things on the Internet or digital products, it is very important to have a fan base, a community, or people who are interested in what you do. If no one knows about you, no one will even look in your direction, so yes, marketing is an integral part of successfully selling an NFT collection.

Which NFT marketplaces do you recommend for selling a collection?

It depends on which network you prefer, usually I like to mine on Solana, so places like Magic Eden, Solanart are a good place to start if you don’t have enough financial base and are not sure about the demand for the collection to mine NFT on Opensea.

How important is the work of art itself, the quality of NFT? Sometimes it seems that NFT is all about marketing, with no place for art. What do you think about this?

I would say that having a strong piece of artwork is one of the most important things, because it’s the first thing a client sees. You can have an original and professionally made collection, but with bad marketing, so you definitely won’t be able to sell it or get a good price for it. You can also have a bad collection with mediocre artwork, but great marketing, so you can get the word out to the community and have a good chance of success.

Let’s say I’ve created a small collection with 40 NFTs. How should I organize the promotion work? Can you help me with strategy and consulting? Or is your job to prepare a high-quality video to create hype?

We will consider your specific case based on the community you have at the moment. We will be able to help you find the best option for a successful sale, even with such a small collection as in your example. But creating a video in this case will most likely not be the right solution. The collection is too small and it’s unlikely that the artist has access to a large community, the marketing costs simply won’t pay off the income from the collection (it happens, maybe you have really exclusive art and already have a community).

We use video to warm up the public, create hype, and convince people that the upcoming collection launch is a big event that will ensure a quick sale. We typically work with communities of 5,000 to 25,000 members and with much larger collections than the example above.

What is the experience of the NFT creators who come to you? Are they startups or artists themselves?

Most of my clients are NFT entrepreneurs who want to successfully launch their collection. Often, they are NFT startups that already have a collection and have built a community and are looking to secure a sale.

What can you say to someone who is launching the first collection of their life? What advice would be most valuable to them?

Make sure you have a solid roadmap with great art. The people who are tagging your NFTs are the first investors in the project, so make sure your art is worth buying. Do not make promises that you cannot fulfill. Focus on creating value for other people with your NFT collection. Make sure you have a good marketing team, as this is extremely important when developing a community. In the meantime, you can take a look at the examples of our studio’s work.

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