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The number of cryptocurrency users worldwide has reached 320 million

7:27 pm, August 27, 2022

The growth in the use of cryptocurrencies continues — according to the analytical company Triple A, the number of users of digital assets has reached 320 million, which is 4.2% of the total world population.

The United States remains the leader in the number of cryptocurrency users — 46 million people own or used to own digital assets, which is 13.74% of the country’s population. In India, cryptocurrencies are used by 27 million people (2%), and in Pakistan — 26 million (11.5%).

The report also states that the volume of international payments in cryptocurrencies amounted to $ 295 billion in 2021. The figure is expected to increase to $ 428 billion annually by 2025. At the same time, 15.8% of payment services are already using digital assets by integrating them into their ecosystem.

It is possible that such indicators will be achieved even faster, as market leaders such as Binance and MasterCard are actively developing the industry to accelerate the growth of cryptocurrency market users.

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