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Twitter users find the world’s first bitcoin purchase — it’s not a pizza

6:11 pm, May 15, 2023

The story is being discussed on Twitter that in 2010, a user tried to sell a JPEG image for 500 bitcoins before Laszlo Hanec bought two pizzas for 10,000 BTC.

On his social media page, the developer Udi Wertheimer shared a screenshot that shows that the first purchase using BTC was a digital image. The image shows the date of January 24, 2010, four months before the pizza purchase. According to Wertheimer, an unknown user under the pseudonym Sabunir tried to sell the image for 500 BTC, which was about $ 1 at the time. Сатоші Накамото" href="" data-bio-id="4232">Satoshi Nakamoto also tried to participate in the sale.

Gige Energy co-founder Matt Lostro decided to conduct his own investigation. It turned out that the transaction did take place. According to the online data, on January 24, 2010, 500 BTC (about $ 13.7 million at the current exchange rate) were credited to Sabunir’s wallet. This makes the image the first item purchased with BTC.

However, some experts claim that the 500 BTC were sent as a donation. «He [Sabunir] posted his address to send funds for NFT on January 24, and then posted it again in the BTC logo thread on February 24. on February 24, 500 bitcoins were sent, and on February 25, he thanked 2 people for their donations,» said one user.

It is believed that the first BTC purchase was two Papa John’s pizzas on May 22, 2010. In honor of this event, crypto enthusiasts celebrate Pizza Day every year, when Hanek spent 10,000 BTC. Since then, there have been many initiatives in the crypto space related to this day. In particular, two years ago, crypto enthusiast and investor Anthony Pompliano launched his own pizzeria, Bitcoin Pizza, in honor of Pizza Day. However, you can only pay for the pizza in US dollars.

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