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Cryptocurrency company Ripple will announce the launch of national cryptocurrencies in some countries in the next few weeks

4:27 pm, September 7, 2022

Ripple’s CBDC advisor Anthony Woelffer said that the company is engaged in several pilot projects on the introduction of a national cryptocurrency — Ripple promised to publish detailed information about this in the near future.

As it became known, Ripple is working on CBDC projects for the Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan and the Republic of Palau. Representatives of these countries have repeatedly emphasized their readiness to introduce national cryptocurrencies.

Also, in late August, Ripple’s Vice President of Corporate Strategy and Operations Amy Yoshikawa met with the mayor of the Japanese city of Fukuoka, Soichiro Takashima. The city authorities are considering making virtual currencies a legal tender.

As a reminder, according to Ripple analysts, 85% of the world’s financial institution executives are confident that their countries will introduce CBDCs over the next four years. Some countries are already taking decisive steps towards the integration of CBDCs into the financial system — in early June, the Central Bank of Jamaica officially recognized the Jam-Dex digital currency as a legal tender.

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