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The man who calls himself the creator of bitcoin has given up trying to prove that he is Satoshi Nakamoto

2:18 pm, December 23, 2022

Craig Wright has announced that he is no longer going to convince anyone that he is Сатоші Накамото" href="" data-bio-id="4232">Satoshi Nakamoto. The pseudo-father of bitcoin wrote a huge Twitter thread complaining to his followers that he had never been taken seriously.

«Corrupt governments are afraid of transparency. Criminals fear prosecution and tracing of their funds. Those who choose greed and fraud hate everything bitcoin stands for. All these people have ridiculed me. I am angry and hurt. It’s over. I don’t care what you think anymore. I care about my family. I want my work to be used, nothing else matters,» Wright tweeted.

Since 2016, Wright has publicly claimed that he invented bitcoin. This year, in early September, the scientist announced that he had destroyed the keys to Satoshi Nakamoto’s wallet, the world’s first crypto wallet. Wright «confessed» that he had trampled on the hard drive where they were stored. «If I hadn’t done it, people would have forced me to do things I didn’t want to do,» he argued.

Earlier, Craig Wright was also accused of plagiarizing a scientific dissertation. The Australian scientist won a lawsuit against a blogger who was conducting defamatory activities against the pseudo-Satoshi. And in early May, Craig Wright Coinbase-ta-kraken-u-torgivli-falshyvym-bitkoyinom/">filed a lawsuit against cryptocurrency exchanges Coinbase and Kraken for trading «fake bitcoin.» Wright’s representatives said at the time that these and other exchanges were encouraging traders to trade BTC by pretending it was another digital asset. According to the lawyers, the cryptocurrency known as bitcoin is actually just the «core of the BTC,» and the only asset that has fully implemented the bitcoin protocol should be BSV (Bitcoin Satoshi Vision).

December 12 marked 12 years since the founder of the flagship cryptocurrency Satoshi Nakamoto wrote his last post on the forum. Since then, there has been no news of Nakamoto. It is still unclear whether the BTC founder’s image is that of a single person or a group of developers, and it is not clear whether Satoshi is even alive.

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