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Michael Saylor predicts bitcoin to grow by 19,000% by 2045

9:53 am, July 29, 2024

Сейлор" href="" data-bio-id="3672">Michael Saylor, executive chairman and co-founder of MicroStrategy, said that bitcoin could reach $ 13 million by 2045. The HTS supporter said this during his speech at the Bitcoin2024 conference in Nashville.

According to Sailor, in the most optimistic scenario, the value of the first cryptocurrency could exceed this mark by 2045: «It could be a bearish scenario with growth to $ 13 million, or it could be a bullish scenario where bitcoin reaches $ 49 million.»

Speaking to an audience in Nashville, the businessman suggested that investors transfer all assets into bitcoin and move to a low-tax jurisdiction. The strategy can be relevant not only for individuals but also for individual companies, said the founder of MicroStrategy.

According to Saylor, almost all physical capital — from stocks and bonds to Ferrari cars and real estate in Miami Beach — is subject to the laws of thermodynamics, including entropy. That is, all physical assets, including gold and money, have a limited lifespan, unlike HTSs.

«Bitcoin is an exception. It is immortal, unchanging, and intangible. Since cryptocurrency is not in the physical world, it has an infinite lifespan. This is the solution to the economic dilemma.»

According to MicroStrategy’s CEO, the market capitalization of the first cryptocurrency could reach 7% of the world’s capital in a few decades. Earlier, Michael Saylor said that companies that invest in bitcoin have a chance to survive longer than those that remain in the «old corporate framework.»

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