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NFT tokens to be launched on Instagram next week

1:46 pm, May 8, 2022

Western media learned that Meta will add NFT tokens to Instagram next week from insiders inside the company — nothing has been officially announced.

It is possible that support for four blockchains will be added: Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, and Flow. Moreover, it is planned to integrate with a number of the most popular cryptocurrency wallets, including MetaMask.

As part of the current trend, the service will not charge a commission for placement and exchange within the platform itself. This seems logical, as launching after most other players does not play into Meta’s hands — this is why the Coinbase-nft-za-pershyj-den-stanovyv-lyshe-123−000/">launch of Coinbase NFT failed.

Initially, the project will be in alpha, so only a limited group of US users will have access to it.

Earlier, analysts noted that the launch of the Instagram NFT marketplace would lead to an explosive interest in NFTs.

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