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Back in 2018, the new British Prime Minister supported cryptocurrencies

6:33 pm, September 5, 2022

The current British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has been elected the new leader of the British Conservative Party and will become the next Prime Minister after Boris Johnson’s official resignation. Truss’s election campaign was built on a plan to boost the country’s economic growth and «get Britain back on track» after its exit from the European Union. In 2020, when the Brexit procedure was finalized, Truss, who was then the Minister of Commerce, said that the country could «create great opportunities in the blockchain field.»

However, Truss does not talk much about cryptocurrencies and blockchain now. So far, she has not made any political statements about digital assets. It is also unclear whether Truss will support the ambitions of former Finance Minister Sunak to turn the UK into a cryptocurrency center.

It is worth noting that before Sunak resigned as finance minister, he worked with former Treasury economic secretary John Glenn on the Financial Services and Markets Bill. According to the drafts, the future law was intended to include cryptocurrencies in the scope of financial regulation. The bill was aimed at «reducing red tape» and helping the financial sector recover from Brexit.

As a reminder, the UK ranks third in the global ranking of cryptocurrency use. It is ahead of the United States (1st place) and Ukraine (2nd place).

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