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Coinbase NFT trading volume on the first day was only $ 123,000

11:49 am, May 6, 2022

TheAmerican cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase haslaunched an NFT trading platform. However, there is nothing to brag about yet — only 121 transactions worth $ 123,000 were made on the first day.

These are only approximate figures obtained through the Dune Analytics service, not official information from the company (they would hardly show such a thing). Analysts of the service have previously shown that the activity of participants was extremely low at thebeta testingstage . The data was obtained by analyzing the 0x protocol.

For comparison, sales on the largest NFT marketplace OpenSea amounted to more than $ 170 million.

Probably, the low beta activity within the company was attributed to the unsuccessful selection of participants in the closed testing. However, as it turned out, Coinbase’s problems are much deeper.

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