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One of the developers of the OneCoin cryptocurrency confesses to cheating for $ 4 billion

5:42 pm, December 17, 2022

The U.S. Department of Justice has reported that a colleague of the most wanted crypto fraudster, Ruga Ignatova, has confessed to stealing about $ 4 billion in investor funds.

Carl Greenwood co-founded the OneCoin cryptocurrency with the so-called crypto-queen Ruga Ignatova, who is still on the federal wanted list. Greenwood and Ignatova founded the OneCoin pyramid scheme, which they and their offshore company OneCoin Ltd promoted under the guise of a cryptocurrency.
Ignatova promised investors to make OneCoin the most popular virtual currency in the world, encouraging users to transfer their own savings to OneCoin investment accounts.

As it became known, Greenwood was arrested in Thailand back in 2018 and then extradited to the United States, where he is still under arrest. He is currently facing charges of organizing a pyramid scheme and defrauding investors. When he learned that the Southern District of New York (SDNY) prosecutor’s office was beginning to crack down on financial crimes, Carl Greenwood decided to confess. His accomplice has not yet been found. In the summer, Ignatova was included in the list of the 10 most wanted crypto fraudsters.

It is believed that Ruja Ignatova may now be a man. This is evidenced by a number of sketches illustrating possible changes in the appearance of the notorious businesswoman. Law enforcement officials suggest that Ignatova could have resorted to such tricks to avoid arrest for her fraud.

There is also speculation that Ruja Ignatova may be hiding in Dubai. BBC journalists claim that Ignatova allegedly bought a $ 20 million villa in the UAE, where she has probably been living for the past five years. The BBC also revealed that she had entered into a multimillion-dollar deal with the Royal Sheikh of the Emirates, Saud bin Faisal Al Qasimi.

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