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Survey: Cryptocurrencies will become legal tender for the whole world in 10 years

10:24 am, June 10, 2022

According to a survey conducted by Deloitte, 83% of US retailers (owners of retail companies) believe that digital currencies will become legal tender in 10 years.

The respondents shared their own forecasts regarding the introduction of cryptocurrencies: 83% said that digital payments would become widespread within five years and legalized in 10 years.

  • 85% expect the use of cryptocurrencies for purchases to increase significantly over the same period;
  • 75% of retailers in the US are already ready to accept cryptocurrency payments;
  • 50% of retailers with revenues over $ 500 million have allocated $ 1 million of their budget to create a payment infrastructure for cryptocurrencies.

Retailers believe that the use of cryptocurrency payments will help increase their revenues and expand their customer base, as customers will be able to pay for purchases in any way convenient for them. Thus, on June 8, to support the country’s economy, the Jamaican authorities officially recognized the Jam-Dex digital currency (CBDC) as a legal tender. Jamaica became the first country in the world to legalize CBDC at the legislative level.

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