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Developed an NFT token to help protect intellectual property

2:21 pm, July 5, 2022

The South Korean dancer NO: ZE has presented her own NFT project Dance with NO: ZE, which aims to inspire developers to protect the intellectual creativity of choreographers using blockchain technology.

According to NO: ZE on the official website of its project, Dance with NO: ZE consists of three dance videos owned by NO: ZE and 10,000 NFT images. Each non-fungible token is worth 500,000 Korean won (about $ 385).

«Original choreographic performances are currently not protected by copyright. Thanks to NFT technology, dance videos will someday [в майбутньому] become intellectual property, and holders of non-fungible tokens will make a profit,» the project’s author hopes.

The dancer wants her idea to inspire South Korean developers who would help develop and implement the platform for all choreographers. As a reminder, South Korea plans to change its legislation on digital assets by 2023. The initiative will include investor protection when working with cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and meta-universes.

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