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The self-proclaimed creator of the bitcoin cryptocurrency has to pay $ 516,000 for the next lawsuits with crypto exchanges

12:40 pm, July 27, 2023

Australian entrepreneur Craig Wright, known as the «self-proclaimed Сатоші Накамото" href="" data-bio-id="4232">Satoshi Nakamoto," said he has to pay legal fees for filing lawsuits against Coinbase and Kraken.

Craig Wright has to pay 400,000 British pounds ($ 516,000) for the next court cases against the crypto exchanges. However, Judge James Mellor is not convinced that Wright will be able to pay the court costs given his previous inconsistent statements about his financial situation.

«The evidence does not persuade me that Wright or his investment company have liquid assets to cover the potentially significant legal costs ,» Mellor said.

Earlier, Wright said that the term «bitcoin» belongs to him, and that cryptocurrency exchanges Coinbase and Kraken, by allowing trading in BTC and BCH, are harming the brand of the competing cryptocurrency Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV).

In February, it became known about the results of the trial, where Wright lost the case related to the alleged infringement of his copyright on the digital asset. However, the entrepreneur continues to insist that he is the author of the BSV white paper, and thus the same anonymous developer Satoshi Nakamoto.

A Kraken spokesperson told CoinDesk that the decision «is an important victory in defending against Wright’s claims of control over bitcoin.» «Satoshi didn’t want BTC to be controlled by one person, so he released open source software for the benefit of the world,» the exchange representative said.

Craig Wright likes to make himself known in the media space. Recently, he claimed that Apple violated his copyright to the main document of the first cryptocurrency. Then a PDF of the original Bitcoin White Paper was found in the macOS operating system.

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