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Satoshi Nakamoto, who disappeared 12 years ago, explains why bitcoin will never collapse

5:45 pm, February 16, 2023

The anonymous Bitcoin developer Сатоші Накамото" href="" data-bio-id="4232">Satoshi Nakamoto explained 14 years ago why the flagship cryptocurrency will never fail like other financial projects.

Nakamoto’s fourteen-year-old explanation describes the unique features that distinguish BTC from previous attempts at creating digital currencies. «Many people immediately dismiss digital currency as a hopeless thing, all because of companies that failed back in the 1990s. I hope it’s obvious that it was only the centrally controlled nature of the systems that caused them to fail. Bitcoin is a decentralized system that is not based on trust, so it’s different,» the father of bitcoin wrote on the website satoshi. nakamotoinstitute on February 15, 2009.

Before he disappeared from the public space, Satoshi predicted that there would come a time when bitcoin would become a global phenomenon, reaching a market capitalization of about $ 1 trillion. The functions of the BTC made it an attractive alternative to traditional currencies and payment systems, so many investors and analysts believe that in the future BTC $96,300.91 Bitcoin -0.31% Market capitalization $1.91 trillion VOL. 24 hours $1.06 billion will reach the projected figures.

As for the developer of the BTC, it is still not known for certain who is behind Satoshi’s name (or pseudonym). Nakamoto disappeared from the public space back in April 2011 and has not been seen since, so there is speculation that he is dead. There is also a theory that an entire development team is behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Before his disappearance, Nakamoto claimed to be Japanese, born on April 5, 1975. However, he was very fluent in English, so many believed him to be a resident of an English-speaking country.

december 12, 2022 marked the 12th anniversary of Satoshi Nakamoto’s disappearance from public space. It was on December 12, 2010, that the BTC developer wrote his last post on the forum. Since then, no one has seen or heard from Nakamoto.

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