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Security experts detect new hacker attack from China

3:04 pm, August 30, 2022

Security experts SlowMist have reported a large-scale hacker attack — corporate software terminals have been attacked by a ransomware virus developed by hackers from China.

As it became known, the hackers demanded a ransom of 0.3 BTC to access the necessary cryptocurrency transactions. However, only 2 users sent the money to the fraudsters.

The SlowMist team advised members of the cryptocurrency community to be wary of suspicious software, not to neglect security measures and not to send any money to fraudsters.

As a reminder, today the US FBI issued a warning to cryptocurrency investors, advising users to conduct a thorough research of DeFi platforms before using them. The law enforcement agency has warned that cybercriminals are trying to take advantage of «increased investor interest in cryptocurrencies.» Hackers are exploiting vulnerabilities in the smart contracts that control DeFi platforms to steal cryptocurrency from investors.

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