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Only 5 countries control a third of the bitcoin cryptocurrency

7:08 pm, October 24, 2022

After analyzing the distribution of all available bitcoin nodes in the world, Bitnodes analysts found out which countries control the bitcoin network. According to the chart, 30.3% of available BTC nodes are located in five countries: the United States, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Canada.

The leader is America, which accounts for 1844 or 13.2% of the available nodes, followed by: Germany with 1362 or 9.8% of the nodes, France with 434 or 3.1%, the Netherlands with 374 or 2.7%, and Canada with 297 or 2.1% of the available bitcoin nodes in the world.

As for the flagship cryptocurrency’s blockchain, its size has already reached almost 500 GB. Last week, researchers recorded the size of the BTC network at 432 GB. As of October 15, there were 14,299 available nodes registered on the bitcoin network, which contain a full copy of the blockchain network. Wallets that are nodes are called light clients and use a simplified payment verification scheme. Clients synchronize with the closest validating bitcoin nodes — miners, exchanges, payment companies, and storage facilities.

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