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Twitter: Satoshi Nakamoto should have won the Nobel Prize in Economics

2:20 pm, October 11, 2022

Former US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has won this year’s Nobel Prize in Economics. The Nobel Commission in Stockholm said that Bernanke’s research demonstrates «why it is vital to avoid bank failures.» As expected, the reaction of the Twitter community was strong and even ironic.

The belief that Satoshi Nakamoto should have received the Nobel has been around for a long time. Back in 2016, the mysterious father of bitcoin was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Economics. Bhagwan Chowdhry, a professor of economics at the University of California, did it. At the time, the scientist stated that the technology created by Satoshi was the most important development of the 21st century:

«I can hardly think of another economic innovation in recent decades with such an impact. Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin protocol has spawned exciting innovations in financial technology. Satoshi’s contribution will not only change the way we think about money, but will also influence the monetary policy of banks, destroy expensive money transfer services, and eliminate taxes required by Visa, MasterCard, and Paypal.»

Recently, we reported on a cryptocurrency developer who discovered the «official oldest known downloaded version of Satoshi code». We also told you that the founder of the #1 cryptocurrency was considering an alternative name for bitcoin.

In mid-August, filmmaker Christopher Cannucciari and White Paper Films announced that they had begun work on the documentary I Am Not Satoshi. The film will show the crypto world’s pursuit of the identity of Nakamoto, who suddenly disappeared after the launch of Bitcoin. The movie will highlight some theories about the person or group of people behind the pseudonym. The film will also touch on the controversial issue of why some representatives of the cryptocurrency industry believe that Satoshi should remain anonymous.

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