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In the UK, blockchain technologies can be used to serve a subpoena

2:11 pm, July 14, 2022

The United Kingdom has allowed the delivery of subpoenas using blockchain technology, according to published court documents.

According to court representatives, given that NFTs are used to confirm ownership of digital artworks, the possibility of sending a notice of a lawsuit and «serving» a subpoena using blockchain technology is quite logical.

This decision was made in the case of Fabrizio D’Aloia, the founder of an online gambling company, who filed a lawsuit against cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance. According to the plaintiff, his crypto assets were cloned without his permission on brokerage platforms. The court ruled that crypto exchanges are responsible for ensuring that stolen cryptocurrencies are not moved or removed from their systems. It was decided to file the lawsuit in the form of NFTs for several wallets that were hacked by fraudsters.

From now on, victims of crypto fraud will be able to sue unknown attackers by sending a claim to their virtual wallet. As a reminder, the UK is actively using the law authorizing the confiscation of cryptocurrencies to fight crime. In June, a UK court sentenced a criminal who received payment for drugs in digital assets, seizing $ 6 million in cryptocurrencies (including bitcoin) and $ 1 million worth of drugs.

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