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South Korea detains hacker who stole cryptocurrency from 90 victims

11:52 am, June 3, 2022

South Korean police have arrested a 30-year-old man suspected of stealing digital assets worth about $ 658,000.

The hacker is accused of stealing cryptocurrency from 90 people. At the same time, one of the victims stated that she lost about USD 403,781.

The attacker, who started earning money from crypto thefts only at the beginning of this year, was arrested in mid-May. According to the police, the hacker committed the thefts using personal data of users that were leaked in the local social network Naver Band.

Most of the personal information was mistakenly disclosed by the social network administrator. By the way, this is not the first time social networks have become a platform for high-profile cryptocurrency thefts. As a reminder, $ 500 million worth of cryptocurrency was stolen from users of dating apps in the United States.

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