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Investigators seize cryptocurrency worth tens of millions of dollars in Belarus

11:11 am, May 27, 2022

Belarus has created a database that stores digital traces of crimes committed on the Internet. Even cryptocurrencies are being successfully seized today, so that later, in the form of normal money, these funds can be used to compensate the state for the damage caused. This was stated by the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Belarus, Dzmitry Gora.

«We faced this issue recently when cryptocurrency appeared as payment for drugs. Then came economic crimes using cryptocurrency. We faced the need to seize this cryptocurrency. What is cryptocurrency? As my advanced subordinates say, it is digital garbage. Based on this, I set a task: our state needs money to compensate for the damage caused, so let’s think about how to make money out of garbage.

I won’t tell you all the details, but we have learned how to do it. Both government agencies and commercial organizations are involved. As a result, I can boast that we have recovered not only tens of millions of rubles, but even hundreds of millions of rubles — amounts that are already in the form of normal money in the accounts of the Investigative Committee. But they were digital garbage. There are schemes and mechanisms that allow us to deal with these issues. And quite successfully," the official said.

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