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The funds lost on the sale of the Otherside metaverse lands were reimbursed to users

4:07 pm, May 5, 2022

Yuga Labs, the company behind the popular Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) franchise, has announced that it has reimbursed everyone for the money lost during the Otherside land sale.

As a reminder, last week’s mining incident burned more than $ 157 million worth of airtime, which led to APE’s transition to Polygon and a huge wave of negative feedback from the audience.

Today, the company’s representatives tweeted that they had refunded everyone’s money

According to Etherscan, 90.57 ETH, or about $ 265,500, was refunded. However, there were much more reports of failed transactions, as the cost of the commission averaged 4−5 thousand dollars. The largest refund was 2.6 ETH (about $ 7,500), and the smallest was $ 800.

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