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Founder of OneCoin cryptocurrency, who is wanted all over the world, may have become a man

10:29 pm, November 19, 2022

Ruja Ignatova, also known as the «Cryptoqueen,» may now be a man. This is evidenced by a series of sketches illustrating changes in the appearance of the notorious businesswoman. Law enforcement officials suggest that Ignatova may have resorted to such tricks to avoid arrest for her fraud.

Ignatova is the only woman on the FBI’s list of the 10 most wanted fugitive criminals. In 2017, law enforcement lost sight of the woman for good. Now, a new TradingPedia study shares speculations on what the criminal might look like at this time.

Brian McCall, an analyst at TradingPedia, has no doubt that Ignatova is still alive. «We commissioned a forensic artist to investigate what Ruja Ignatova might look like today, based on the last photos available before her disappearance in 2017,» the expert said. — «We asked the artist to age her by five years, as well as to consider options for weight gain or loss, plastic surgery interventions, and even gender reassignment.»

The first sketch suggests that Ignatova could have completely changed her gender.

The second drawing shows what Ignatova might look like with a shorter haircut and after losing a few pounds of weight.

The third sketch took into account the same criteria, but with a different hairstyle.

The next sketch also took into account the previous criteria, only the hair color changed — experts suggest that Ignatova could have become blonde.

The next sketch shows how Ignatova’s face could have changed after she gained weight.

The next drawing combines several features of Rudzha that could have changed over the past five years — Ignatova could have gained weight and dyed her hair blond.

In the last sketch, several aesthetic corrections have been added to Ignatova’s face to show what surgical or cosmetic enhancements she may have undergone. These include a chin implant, jaw reconstruction, cheek implants, a brow lift, and rhinoplasty.

Explaining the methodology used by the forensic team, Brian McCall noted that Ignatova is of Roma descent, which was the starting point for the sketches. «Roma retain high specificity in their genetics and, as a result, in their phenotype,» the expert said.

There is speculation that Ruja Ignatova may be hiding in Dubai. BBC journalists claim that Ignatova allegedly bought a $ 20 million villa in the UAE, where she has probably been living for the past five years. The BBC also revealed that she had made a multimillion-dollar deal with the Royal Sheikh of the Emirates, Saud bin Faisal Al Qasimi. Al Qasimi is a well-known cryptocurrency fan — in 2015, he sold 230,000 bitcoins to Ignatova for more than $ 48 million.

As a reminder, Ruja Ignatova founded the OneCoin pyramid scheme, which she and her offshore company OneCoin Ltd promoted under the guise of cryptocurrency. Ignatova promised investors to make OneCoin the most popular virtual currency in the world, encouraging users to transfer their own savings to OneCoin investment accounts. According to rough estimates, the fraudster received $ 4 billion.

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