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# the-merge

  • The number of cryptocurrency holders in the world has exceeded 425 million
    January 19, 2023

    The number of cryptocurrency holders in the world has exceeded 425 million

    Experts from Crypto.com have released a report for 2022. Analysts reported that despite the bearish sentiment in the industry, the number of cryptocurrency asset holders in the world has increased from 306 million to 425. 425 ??? That’s how many cryptocurrency owners there were by the end of 2022; with the market growing 39% year on year. the #CROFam has also continued […]

  • Bitcoin is recognized as the dirtiest cryptocurrency
    January 11, 2023

    Bitcoin is recognized as the dirtiest cryptocurrency

    According to a report by the Luxembourg-based exchange and education platform Forex Suggest, bitcoin became the cryptocurrency whose mining had the worst environmental impact last year. Experts estimate that mining one BTC emitted almost a ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. In total, bitcoin mining produced about 86.3 million tons of CO2 in 2022. Experts emphasized that in order to reduce the impact […]

  • Artificial Intelligence Predicts Ethereum Cryptocurrency to Fall After the New Year
    December 27, 2022

    Artificial Intelligence Predicts Ethereum Cryptocurrency to Fall After the New Year

    A machine learning algorithm has predicted the value of the Ethereum cryptocurrency as of January 1, 2023. According to PricePredictions, it will be fixed at $ 1197.14. Thus, the algorithm predicts a 1.86% decline in the coin’s rate compared to the current ETH price. At the time of writing, the leading altcoin is worth $ 1,222. The bearish forecasts for Ethereum came as the New York-based crypto exchange Paxful announced the […]

  • Cryptocurrency Trust Wallet Token became the most profitable in a day
    December 9, 2022

    Cryptocurrency Trust Wallet Token became the most profitable in a day

    Over the past day, the global capitalization of the cryptocurrency sector increased by 2% to $ 892.3 billion. Among the top 100 crypto assets, three coins managed to bring profit to their investors in the short term. Trust Wallet Token became the absolute leader of the previous day, with the asset’s price rising by 9.34%. The virtual token is traded at an average price of $ 2.68, […]

  • Cryptocurrency experts predict bitcoin’s growth to $ 270,000
    October 21, 2022

    Cryptocurrency experts predict bitcoin’s growth to $ 270,000

    Australian financial company Finder has conducted a survey among experts to determine their predictions for the future of bitcoin. Experts expect that by the end of the year, the leading digital asset will be trading at around $ 21,300. Analysts are quite optimistic about the long-term price of the flagship crypto, expecting it to rise to almost $ 80,000 by 2025 and $ 270,000 by 2030. «A year ago, Finder predicted that […]

  • Nvidia has officially confirmed the disabling of mining protection on their video cards
    October 15, 2022

    Nvidia has officially confirmed the disabling of mining protection on their video cards

    An Nvidia spokesperson has confirmed rumors that the company has removed the cryptocurrency mining protection (LHR) in the latest version of its graphics driver for Windows and Linux. «We don’t believe it’s necessary in the current environment,» an Nvidia spokesperson said, as quoted by PC Mag. LHR (Lite Hash Rate) protection appeared in February 2021 amid a severe shortage of GeForce RTX 30 graphics cards on the […]

  • Ethereum cryptocurrency is predicted to grow to $ 11,727
    October 13, 2022

    Ethereum cryptocurrency is predicted to grow to $ 11,727

    55 experts from the fintech and cryptocurrency industry shared their predictions about the future of the ethereum. It is expected that the value of ETH will reach $ 1377 by the end of 2022. As for the future, analysts predicted that by 2025, the price will rise to $ 5154, and by 2030 — $ 11,727. According to Joseph Raczynski, an expert and representative of Thomson Reuters, the benefits of Ethereum’s […]

  • Cryptocurrency Ethereum plunges by 20% after historic transition to PoS
    October 4, 2022

    Cryptocurrency Ethereum plunges by 20% after historic transition to PoS

    Since the transition of the Ethereum cryptocurrency from the Proof-of-Work (PoW) to the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm, the network’s capitalization has decreased by almost 20%, from $ 195.89 to $ 159 billion. At the time of writing, ETN is trading at $ 1345, up 3.98% overnight. In addition to the drop in the value of ETH after The Merge, the cryptocurrency’s founders have faced many unexpected problems. For […]

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