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# vitalik-buterin

  • Meme-coin named in honor of Vitalik Buterin can grow by 13,000%
    May 27, 2024

    Meme-coin named in honor of Vitalik Buterin can grow by 13,000%

    Note: not investment advice! Cryptocurrency market analysts say: Buterin Sucks (BUTSUCKS), a recently launched meme-coin on the Solana blockchain, is poised to grow by more than 14,000% in a few days as former investors of Shiba Inu, Bonk and Dogecoin see high potential in it. BUTSUCKS will soon be listed on KuCoin, one of the largest centralized exchanges in the world. Crypto experts believe that this is an extremely positive development […]

  • The developer of one of the world’s most famous cryptocurrencies has named the safest type of crypto wallet
    May 3, 2024

    The developer of one of the world’s most famous cryptocurrencies has named the safest type of crypto wallet

    Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin said that he keeps 90% of his personal cryptocurrency assets in the Safe (formerly Gnosis Safe) multi-sig wallet. According to Buterin, in terms of security, multi-sig wallets boast a number of advantages that hardware wallets do not have. The programmer wrote about this in X. Vitalik Buterin once again emphasized that the best option for protecting your own funds is to use […]

  • Vitalik Buterin transferred Ethereum through a cryptomixer used by Lazarus Group
    April 17, 2024

    Vitalik Buterin transferred Ethereum through a cryptomixer used by Lazarus Group

    Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, made several transactions worth about 100 ETH ($ 575,000) through the Railgun anonymizer. This was reported by journalist Colin Wu. Railgun is an EVM privacy protocol that keeps the details of transfers such as token type, amount, sender, and recipient secret. According to Arkham Intelligence’s dashboard, Buterin interacted with the protocol several times over the past six months. […]

  • Cryptocurrency tokens on the Solana blockchain accused of racism
    March 31, 2024

    Cryptocurrency tokens on the Solana blockchain accused of racism

    According to Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, meme tokens are becoming a problem, and it is worth thinking about how to find a better use for these digital coins. According to Buterin, there is nothing new and interesting about memecoins: «Many coins on the Solana network are simply racist in nature. Even ordinary memecoins often rise and fall in price without any value.» Buterin suggests looking […]

  • Cryptocurrency industry analysts have identified the most influential players in the crypto market in 2024
    March 3, 2024

    Cryptocurrency industry analysts have identified the most influential players in the crypto market in 2024

    Researchers at Coin Market Carnival have named the top 5 people in the cryptocurrency world in 2024. According to them, ex-Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao is still the industry leader. The Chinese entrepreneur is considered the richest man in Asia, however, last year he became involved in a criminal case initiated by US regulators. Thesecond place in the ranking of the most famous people was taken by Ryan Selkis. The […]

  • Vitalik Buterin says artificial intelligence can solve the main problem of cryptocurrencies
    February 20, 2024

    Vitalik Buterin says artificial intelligence can solve the main problem of cryptocurrencies

    The co-founder of Ethereum has highlighted the main advantage of artificial intelligence for cryptocurrencies. As Vitalik Buterin wrote on Platform X, AI can play a key role in solving one of the most serious problems of the second cryptocurrency network. According to the developer, artificial intelligence can detect errors hidden in the Ethereum code base. Thus, on March 13, the Dencun update will finally be deployed on the […]

  • Vitalik Buterin opposed the introduction of artificial intelligence on the blockchain
    February 1, 2024

    Vitalik Buterin opposed the introduction of artificial intelligence on the blockchain

    Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, believes that developers need to carefully consider the pros and cons of implementing artificial intelligence systems in blockchain-based projects. Buterin emphasized that developers should be especially cautious when creating new applications that involve a significant level of risk and are connected to financial flows. «It is important to be careful. For example, if someone creates a prediction market or a stablecoin that uses an AI system as an oracle, […]

  • Vitalik Buterin provoked the fall of Ethereum
    January 8, 2024

    Vitalik Buterin provoked the fall of Ethereum

    In his profile on the X platform, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin offered the cryptocurrency community some financial advice. However, they were not well received by those who invested in Ethereum. on January 7, Vitalik Buterin responded to a post about billionaires Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. The original post by X user «alex_avoigt» claimed that Bill Gates began to diversify his portfolio by selling Microsoft shares after […]

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